433 First Avenue

NYU College of Nursing, College of Dentistry & Bio-Engineering Institute

Interlocking varied educational, research and student life spaces, the NYU College of Nursing, College of Dentistry & Bio-Engineering Institute houses three distinct, cutting-edge institutes within a single connected, vertical campus.

Located in a dense, urban setting, the eleven-story complex is organized around an open, central stair that encourages collaboration between both individual students and complementary disciplines, while also supporting the University’s “Active Building” initiative by promoting physical activity and health.

The program includes 27 state-of-the-art simulation spaces, research labs, tiered and flat classrooms, lecture halls, social spaces and informal study areas, as well as, on the top floor, an executive conference center to bring the entire medical community together with iconic views of the East River and Empire State Building.

This mix of programming is expressed in a dynamic terracotta and glass façade. Solid walls with small window openings reflect “dense” programs such as classrooms and core lab facilities while larger apertures at offices and conference rooms allow more daylight into those spaces. At the third floor Learning Commons, a glassy, L-shaped corner is carved out to showcase the space, and floor-to-ceiling glass reveals the activity within. The result is a beautiful, student-centered learning complex that enables the advancement of health education, research, and practice.


New York, NY, USA


New York University


EYP Architecture & Engineering (Architect of Record)


Education, Research + Healthcare


16,000 m2 / 171,200 ft2

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Project Type:Education
Project Location:Americas