The Rise 

An improved revival of an abandoned master plan, the mixed-use development occupies a defunct mall property near Apple Park to create a diverse new residential neighborhood that blends seamlessly into the low-rise urban fabric of Cupertino.

Satisfying over half of the city’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation Obligations, The Rise is the largest residential development ever to be built in Cupertino. With over 2,500 apartment units spread between 20 buildings, the development comprises family homes, including deed-restricted affordable units for low-income households. Interspersed with retail, offices, and parking, the residences boast access to an array of urban amenities as well as an interconnected network of open and green spaces for gatherings and solitary relaxation.

The buildings top out at 8 stories or less, apart from three high-rise office buildings, and employ a rich collection of architectural styles, enhancing the project’s sense of place and cultivating visual intrigue for residents and visitors. Stepped masses offer multi-level outdoor spaces and retreat from the street to increase daylight access at ground level. The buildings are stylistically tied together with a material palette of cement, metal, and wood paneling in natural colors native to the temperate environment. The architectural and programmatic diversity of the development, combined with the human scale of its structures, creates a dense, walkable village positioned nearby large employers and city attractions.


Cupertino, CA




Office, Planning + Urban Design, Residential, Retail


325,000 m2 / 3,500,000 ft2

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Project Location:Americas