Platform 16

This innovative, energy-efficient office complex strikes an ideal balance between its natural and urban environments to promote quality of work life in the burgeoning technology hub of San Jose.

The development comprises three separate office structures with expansive floorplates, 15-foot floor-to-floor heights, private terraces, and active pedestrian streets that, together, improve the neighborhood and prioritize the experiences of diverse occupants.

On the main façade, three module orientations—center, left, and right—create a sense of depth and texture by breaking down the scale and shimmering like sequins in the sun’s reflection. Bronze in color, the terrace façade contrasts the main wall in materiality and scale, evoking an organic composition that also points to the project’s sustainability. Along the building’s eastern edge, these terraces are oriented away from the Western sun and set back to bring daylight deep within the interiors. Manicured green space, accessible on each level, promotes wellbeing and community gathering outside the traditional office setting.

Current energy use projections for the development show it outperforming the AIA 2030 Commitment goal of an 80% reduction against its baseline, a feat achieved through the combination of a high-performance facade, passive cooling systems, and high efficiency lighting systems that will minimize the building’s energy demand. Additionally, the design provides for a solar PV roof covering 20% of the building demand to further reduce the building’s emissions.


San Jose, CA, USA


Boston Properties




111,483 m2 / 1,200,000 ft2

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Project Type:Office
Project Location:Americas