Football Performance Center

University of Michigan

Part of the Ross Athletic Center core at the University of Michigan, this new building provides one of college football’s most storied and successful teams with much-needed, world-class facilities.

A complex renovation and addition to the existing Oosterbaan Field House and Schembechler Hall buildings, the project includes a new weight room and Sports Medicine facility, as well as office space, meeting rooms, and a new coaching staff locker room. The Sport Medicine facility – including hydrotherapy, nutrition, treatment, and recovery areas – supports the quick recovery of student athletes in state-of-the-art spaces. The project also incorporates a mudroom, equipment drying room, shower area, and cryogenic recovery pool within a one-story addition at the intersection of Oosterbaan, Schembechler, and Glick Halls.


Ann Arbor, MI, USA


University of Michigan




2,972 m2 / 32,000 ft2

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Project Type:Education
Project Location:Americas