Set on a 92-acre site in rural Puerto Rico, the Amgen Quality Assurance Lab includes seven major components across 1.1 million square feet – two manufacturing plants, a testing laboratory, a large warehouse, administration/amenity facilities, a daycare center, and a central utility plant.
The master plan for the site updates the lab’s functional organization and creates a clear logic for future expansion, while emphasizing a positive working environment for plant employees and executive staff. The four-story steel framed QAL structure utilizes a rectangular plan to provide maximum programmatic flexibility, and together with the adjacent Administration Building, forms an entry courtyard that serves as the public face of the site, creating an appropriate and expressive corporate image to both staff and visitors.
KPF’s design strategy facilitated the expedited enclosure of critical process areas, while allowing a more expressive design for the support spaces. Updated exterior facades utilize screen walls to control heat gain, and newly created administration and amenity spaces refresh the site and support the lab’s flexible program.