Organized by the Urban Design Forum (UDF), the inaugural program, known as “Big Swings,” brings together mid-career industry leaders, including the KPF Senior Associate Principal, over the course of nine months to tackle New York City’s housing crisis.
In response to the decreasing accessibility of housing in New York City, the program will see 48 fellows conduct research into the housing markets of dense global cities to understand their approaches to addressing the crisis. The cohort will visit Berlin in September for a 3-day study trip to explore the city’s radical approach to easing affordability, creating new supply, decarbonizing its housing stock, and integrating migrants.
“The inaugural cohort of the Global Exchange program is particularly well-positioned to investigate the challenges of New York’s affordable housing needs, coming from backgrounds in government, design, development, law, and more,” said James von Klemperer, UDF Board of Directors Co-Chair and KPF President. “We expect great synergies as this group cross-fertilizes their knowledge with those who are leading innovative efforts in other parts of the world.”
The fellowship will culminate in March 2025, when Franz and the other fellows will present their research findings and recommendations, aiming to advance the conversation in addressing the affordable housing crisis in New York City.
KPF is proud to be a lead supporter of the Urban Design Forum. Read the full press release here.