Parkland Guangzhou IFC embeds nature throughout its design, providing the city with a mixed-use district that prioritizes resiliency from the pedestrian experience at the ground level up to the signature, publicly accessible rooftops.
Located at the eastern end of the Guangzhou Finance City Master Plan, across the Parkland Guangzhou IFC buildings half of the space is dedicated to apartments, a quarter to offices, and the remainder of the development includes hotel, retail, and public space. Overlooking the Pearl River, the project serves as a transitional space between the natural landscape and the urban environment through the inclusion of lush planting at the river’s edge and a green path leading through the buildings, culminating in a subway entrance at the far end of the site. The greenery on-site enhances the project’s sponge city design, which includes porous paving, native plants, and rainwater management systems.
The buildings are defined by their elliptical shape, a form that mirrors the curved path of the river. As each building steps down in height as they approach the water, views are optimized towards the river and additional surrounding attractions. Occupying the top of the tallest tower is a multi-story amenity space with dining options, a gym, an infinity pool and spa, and a hotel lobby. Each floor is wrapped in a balcony, offering sweeping views of the riverfront.
At ground level, the Culture House serves as the hub for the development’s entertainment, offering a concert hall as well as a bar and restaurant. The façade serves as an exterior screen for public viewings, where spectators can relax on the lawn surrounding the building.