Located near the intersection of the Yangtze and Han Rivers, the Bund Fosun Center enhances the historical commercial district with a design inspired by Wuhan’s cultural heritage, the green corridor, and nearby mountain ranges.
The masterplan consists of office, hotel, retail, and residential programs, creating a dramatically rising skyline with iconic, supertall twin-towers at the apex, bridged together at three levels. The towers are stitched together by a retail street, connecting with the bustling Hangzheng Street towards the river. An elevated, landscaped walkway links this retail-village with the Art Mall, along with the raised, supertall lobbies via a series of public green space before terminating at the waterfront.
Connecting the various buildings at the base, the grand corridor provides a dynamic ground-floor retail presence. The landscaped public walkway ties together a series public spaces consisting of a sunken garden, plazas, and terraces found within the northern, human-scale retail village, which then links with open terraces and the sculpture roof garden of the Art Mall. This continues with the roof terrace and raised lobbies of the supertall complex before culminating at the waterfront.
The project’s environmental strategy is multi-layered, integrating design with technology and lifestyle. As a transit-oriented development, the Bund Fosun Center promotes sustainable development by maximizing transit efficiencies and minimizing energy and resource use. Serving as a gateway to the green corridor, the development integrates parks within and provides access to the waterfront. The green spaces and roofs reduce heat-island effect and utilize rainwater, reducing rain run-off.