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Paul Simovic presents at CTBUH Serbia Conference: Going Tall in Southeast Europe

KPF Director Paul Simovic presented at the recent CTBUH conference in Belgrade. The event assembled leading architects, urban planners and developers to address Serbia’s emergence in the real estate market and look at lessons learned from the past as well as the potential of tall buildings in the future.

Drawing on 25 years’ experience, including Heron Tower, the City of London’s controversial first high-rise speculative office, Ziraat Bank Headquarters in Istanbul and the refurbishment and remodelling of the 1970’s Southbank Tower in London, Paul looked back at the last 50 years and forward to the next half century. His presentation covered the potential for data to optimise design; creating sustainable communities and ‘places’ for the future; the opportunity to creatively reuse a generation of tall buildings that are now reaching the end of their useful life; and how tall buildings can respond to specific cultural and physical contexts.

For more information on CTBUH and the recent Serbia conference click here.
