Pamela’s talk looked how projects respond to context and improve the urban realm. Floral Court, London, UK

Pamela’s talk looked how projects respond to context and improve the urban realm. Roppongi Hills, Tokyo, Japan

Pamela’s talk looked how projects respond to context and improve the urban realm. Songdo Canal Walk, Incheon, South Korea

/ Events

Pamela Wackett presents at Hablemos de Arquitectura 2020

KPF Director Pamela Wackett recently gave a lecture to the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (The Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, based in Lima) as part of their conference series Hablemos de Arquitectura – ‘Let’s talk about architecture’.

The talk looked at practicing architecture in a global context, in particular at how projects respond to context and improve the urban realm. The lecture, which was given in Spanish, is available to watch here.